Monday, December 10, 2007


Idleness is the devil’s workshop.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Ever heard of a person who fits to a T this description: GOOD FOR NOTHING? This person has so much negative vibratory element in her that when you see “ the entity”( I prefer to call her"the entity") , you get the feeling that would go far in the depths of that eerie darker magnitude. This person has so much dragging capability with a seemingly shy front. Deadly combination. And yes, you can feel a certain unwelcoming aura in the most antagonistic of ways. It's a continous shift between blank and malevolent stares in a day, that's all the impression you can get. WALL! How inanimate can that be? Beats me.

I am not a saint, of course, but I guess I can opinionate and react to this passionately. I certainly hate people who are idle. By IDLE, I would not include the normal idleness valid of consideration like the usual R and R. How would you explain a person who sleeps 12 hours a day, no job, thinks of abortion as valid (Oh yes, it is a choice but making the right choice is not doing so-and I am immovable on this), finds it an ORDEAL to pick a piece of paper (I ‘m sure she sweats with this) even managing to threaten a somebody who would remind her about fulfilling her would-be tasks. GOODNESS, such indolence! Is she into witchcraft? I ask that to myself and to you out of the fact that she stays with a person who is known to thrive on the exact opposite. A friend of mine feels strongly this is the case. Ever seen of a pair of spiteful eyes with no signs of love?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This is an actual shot of "the entity" in front of her beloved laptop.

She would prefer playing the cyber car race in the laptop totally oblivious that a ready meal for that somebody after a hard day’s work is kindness shown for her stay there, let alone know what time it is already and that things of bigger importance are waiting to be done. Oh yes - some of you who would say PRAY FOR HER, it’s the right thing anyway.

I have to tell you that along with God's grace, I also need Buddha to shed some enlightenment and I need some rescue from our African voodoo masters all together, lol . And who knows, I might even need to ask an ad hoc commitee from the UN to bring her to act, geez. The peace talks in the Middle East may successfully happen in Annapolis but not her moving. It would be too hard, **sigh**. She is a project, a gargantuan task! She is a formidable block to a somebody’s progress, an element capable of destroying what one has started. A lazy ass. A somebody who will and can ask for a 3rd exercise machine inspite of the reality that the asking will be from a person who needs to pay debts from surmounting garage bills and from purchasing things she would also bask in. By the way, she has got 2 exercise machines already, surprised? So, she knows how to exercise, lol. I am sure this is not daily. NIET! As far as I know, people who exercise ( I usually do) gets so much of the adrenalin rush and manages to think perfectly alright. She has lots of complaints too. Complaints are well deserved if they come from people who move as they rant. People of this category have lots of complaints that you don’t even know which is valid already. She is allergic to the cold weather, hence she can’t apply for a job when she gets outside windy and drizzly flatlands, NL (Goodness Gracious! Ever heard of the parka, wind breaker, jacket, raincoat,umbrella and the like!!!) and claims so much so. I wonder why I was told she still has ice when she drinks. People with allergy to colds would readily have some usual effects pointing out to “allergy to colds”. Hmmm, another of the sloth excuses, lol .

She also has allergy to certain foods, needs to be wet from the rain so she can be sick and thereby, can’t work. She is your most unusual I-need-to-marry- a- rich guy/prince woman. Usual would be women with decisive and dubious leading wayward ways to catch their idea of the right type of guy. This entity however doesn’t even have the initiative to make it happen for her, albeit it isn’t proper. That is how idle brained she is.

This person even managed to say, ”Can I sleep better?” The nerve! As if this entity has been doing something other than sleeping. Hey you, the dishes are waiting to be washed, ASAP. The next time around, do not claim having disposed of the mess on the desktop when the truth is they are stashed away in some box inside the house. How far is the trash from the desktop? I am sure the box you found is so near the desktop-- within a fingertip’s reach, lol. GOODNESS!